Criminal Offences
Criminal Defence Services in London
James Zegers is an experienced criminal lawyer with over 20 years of experience handling serious and complex criminal charges. His attention to detail and expertise in criminal law can help you navigate the intricacies of the legal system. From shoplifting charges to murder and manslaughter cases, criminal lawyer James Zegers will work to get you the best possible result.
Break and Enter
The offence of break and enter involves the entering of a home or business and committing a criminal offence, such as assault or theft. Break and enter is a serious offence and the maximum penalty is life in prison.
If you are charged with break and enter you need expert advice. With over twenty years of experience, James Zegers can help you get the best possible result.
If you have been charged with break and enter, call James Zegers at 519-673-0440 for an initial consultation.
Breach of Probation
One of the sentencing options for judges is to suspend the passing of sentence and place a person on a probation for a period of time, usually one year, but never more than three.
The terms of probation are usually to keep the peace and be of good behaviour, and to report to a probation officer as directed. Often the courts order the performance of community services, which is involves working as a volunteer for non-profit or community organizations. The idea behind probation is to assist the offender with issues that may have lead to his criminal conduct and try to resolve them in a way that prevents the offender from committing further crimes.
It is a criminal offence to breach the terms of the probation order and quite often breaches of probation are punished by jail sentences.
If you are charged with breach of probation you need a lawyer who can advise you on the best way to solve your problem and keep you out of jail. If the issue is the non-completion of community service, James can help you by getting you back on track with your community service.
If you have been charged with breach of probation, call James Zegers at 519-673-0440 for an initial consultation.
Drug & Trafficking
Possession of Controlled Substance
A conviction for possession of marijuana or cocaine will prevent you from crossing the border, and can have a negative impact on employment. Criminal lawyer James Zegers can help you keep your right to travel from being compromised and your employment prospects from being affected.
First time offenders can often be dealt with in a way that does not require a plea of guilty or the imposition of a criminal record.
Don't let a simple mistake compromise your ability to travel or be employed.
If you have been charged with possession of marijuana, cocaine, or any other controlled substance, call James Zegers at 519-673-0440 for an initial consultation.
Sadly, many of those caught up in the trafficking of drugs are often victims of the drug trade themselves, addicts who sell to keep themselves supplied.
In cases like these James Zegers can help provide the court with a full account of the individual before the court and work for an outcome that emphasizes rehabilitation over punishment.
It's in everybody's interest to help the victims of drug addiction and James Zegers can help the community by getting his clients the help to overcome their addictions.
If you have been charged with a trafficking offence, call James Zegers at 519-673-0440 for an initial consultation.
Charter of Rights and Freedoms
In trafficking cases you need to make sure your constitutional rights to counsel, freedom from arbitrary detention, and freedom from unreasonable search are respected.
With his thorough knowledge of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, James Zegers can identify potential Charter issues in your case.
Contact James Zegers at 519-673-0440 for an initial consultation and assessment of the defences available to you, including those based on your constitutional rights as guaranteed by the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
Young Offenders
Kids get into trouble. And sometimes that means criminal charges. It’s a nightmare for parents, but James Zegers has extensive experience dealing with young offenders and can get your son or daughter out of serious trouble while making sure they appreciate the potential consequences of criminal misconduct and a criminal record.
James Zegers understands what it is like to be a parent of a child in trouble and will handle your family problem with the utmost sensitivity and discretion.
The Youth Criminal Justice Act recognizes that people under the age of 18 should be treated differently than adults and emphasizes rehabilitation over punishment. James can help make sure your son or daughter does not get a criminal record.
Call James Zegers at 519-073-0440 for an initial consultation if your child is charged with a criminal offence.
To defraud is to deprive by deceit. Intentionally writing cheques that won’t be honoured or obtaining benefits based on dishonest representations are examples of fraud offences.
Fraud cases are often complex and require careful review and investigation. With over twenty years of experience, James Zegers can help you through the complexities of fraud litigation.
If you have been charged with fraud, call lawyer James Zegers at 519-673-0440 for an initial consultation.
Theft & Shoplifting
Shoplifting/Theft Under
The offence of theft under refers to theft of goods worth less than $5,000.00. Shoplifting usually falls in this category.
For first offenders, theft charges are usually dealt with by way of the Direct Accountability Program. Through this program the accused accepts responsibility for the criminal act without having to suffer the consequences of a criminal record.
Call James Zegers at 519-673-0440 to find out how your theft charge can be resolved without a criminal record.
The offence of mischief involves the intentional damage of property. Mischief charges, particularly for first time offenders, can usually be dealt with by way of the Direct Accountability Program, also known as Alternative Measures. Through this program, the accused accepts responsibility for the criminal act without having to suffer the consequences of a criminal record.
Call James Zegers at 519-673-0440 to find out how your mischief charge can be resolved without a criminal record.
DUI & Motor Vehicle
Impaired Driving
Every year thousands of people find themselves charged with drinking and driving offences.
It is also an offence to drive while impaired by a drug, including marijuana and prescription medicines.
The law in this area is extremely complex. James Zegers successfully defends drivers facing impaired driving offences and can help you keep your license.
Defending drinking and driving offences requires a careful review of the facts and a thorough knowledge of the law. Issues that arise include the timing of the breath tests and the constitutionality of the initial police stop. Too often people plead guilty to a drinking and driving offence without carefully considering all possible defences.
With over twenty years of experience, James Zegers can help you keep your license and your livelihood.
If you have been charged with a drinking and driving offence, call James Zegers at 519-673-0440 for an initial consultation.
Driving While Suspended
The courts take a dim view of people who are convicted of driving while suspended. Even first offenders can face a jail sentence.
If you are charged with driving while suspended you need a lawyer who can explain to the court why jail is not an appropriate sentence for you.
If you have been charged with driving while suspended, call James Zegers at 519-673-0440 for an initial consultation.
Highway Traffic Act
Offences such as speeding or careless driving fall under the Highway Traffic Act. While not criminal offences, convictions for Highway Traffic Act offences can result in fines, increased insurance premiums, and in exceptional cases, jail.
James Zegers paralegal staff can be relied upon to provide economical solutions for clients facing Highway Traffic Act charges. Charges of speeding and careless driving are often reduced to lesser offences.
If you have been charged with a Highway Traffic Act offence, call James Zegers at 519-673-0440 for an initial consultation.
Why is fighting ok in the NHL but not on Richmond Row? It comes down to consent. Hockey players who consent to fight are not guilty of assault.
Assault is the intentional application of force without consent. But consent only goes so far. No one can consent to have bodily harm inflicted.
If you have been charged with a criminal offence such as assault there are a number of defences to help you beat the charges, including self-defence and consent.
Assault charges are often resolved by way of a peace bond, especially if the alleged assault is not serious and the accused does not have a criminal record. A peace bond requires the accused to agree to keep the peace and be of good behaviour for a particular period of time. In addition a peace bond usually requires the accused to agree to not communicate or associate with the complainant in the matter for the same period of time. In exchange for agreeing to this, the prosecutor withdraws the criminal charges.
If you have been charged with assault, call James Zegers at 519-673-0440 for an initial consultation.
Domestic Assault
Domestic assault is a serious social problem. If you are charged with domestic assault, James Zegers can negotiate a solution to keep you from getting a criminal record.
More and more people are being charged with criminal offences arising from domestic disputes, including assault, criminal harassment, and mischief.
James Zegers has an excellent record for resolving domestic charges. Often a careful review of the allegations with the prosecutor results in the withdrawal of criminal charges against an accused when there is no reasonable prospect of conviction.
In other cases the Crown can be persuaded to withdraw charges after the accused agrees to undergo counselling to address issues underlying the domestic conflict.
Peace bonds, where one party agrees not to communicate with another, are also used to resolve domestic charges.
Clients can also be referred to the early intervention program, where charges that might ordinarily result in criminal convictions or even jail sentences can be resolved by way of a conditional discharge – a finding of guilt without the registering of a criminal conviction.
Call James Zegers at 519-673-0440 for an initial consultation on how best to deal with your domestic matters.
Murder & Wrongful Death
Murder is the most serious charge in the Criminal Code and those convicted of murder face life sentences.
Not all wrongful death cases result in murder charges. In Goderich a woman was charged with abandoning a child who tragically drowned at the beach while under her care. James Zegers took this matter to trial, where she was found not guilty.
Murder charges can also be reduced to manslaughter if the Crown is unable to prove the accused intended to kill the victim of the offence.
Serious charges require serious lawyers. With over twenty years of experience taking on difficult cases, James Zegers can mean the difference between being found not guilty or facing a lengthy jail sentence.
If you are charged with a serious criminal offence call us today at 519-673-0440 for an initial consultation.
Sexual Assault
Allegations of committing a sexual offence are devastating. The mere fact of being charged is often enough to permanently damage a person’s reputation.
James Zegers handles this kind of case with the discretion required to keep the matter out of the public eye and keep your reputation intact.
Thorough preparation, research and attention to detail is essential.
In one case James Zegers was able to have charges of sexual assault withdrawn prior to trial after a careful review of text messages and other documents revealed serious concerns with the reliability and credibility of the complainant.
If you have been charged with a serious criminal offence, call James Zegers at 519-673-0440 for an initial consultation.